Women Are From Venus

In this instance I am inclined to revisit the question of Venus Culture I attempted to answer several articles ago. I have gained a sense of place in contrasting the Hellenic and Nordic Creation Accounts. (By the by, stay tuned for my analytics episode of the Lorecast tieing the Creation Myths together.) Some time ago, in doing a little research, I came across a… uniquely liberal… hairy lady reciting beat poetry in honour of a Goddess I at first assumed was an invention or some form of mighty whitey shenanigan. Turns out I was wrong on both accounts. Hairy armpit smash patriarchy lass was giving an ode to a Greek Goddess named Baubo. Self-harm and French peasant legs aside, I was intrigued. I am not unfamiliar with Greek myth and have never heard of Baubo, so down, down into the rabbit hole I went.

I watched another video given by a particularly vulgar Anglo woman with, I suppose you could say, satisfactorily Venusian figure girt in hippy tie-dye. In between her excessive usage of the word cunt, fuck, smash patriarchy now and insert victimhood ______, I was able to glean a little more insight. Baubo was one of those curious Goddesses in Greek mythology who confuse form and function. Baubo was a Goddess invoked in dealing with the depression of Demeter following Persephone’s imprisonment in Hades. When her daughter took ill and “died”, Demeter understandably, was quite forlorn. Being a golden white Goddess of the Ostaran archetype, she was responsible for ushering in the Spring. Being depressed, Demeter did not shine her light, and so the crops would not grow. It is said the Gods tried everything to make her laugh. And to no avail. Demeter would neither laugh nor smile, and her light would not shine. Finally they called upon Baubo, a strange and solitary Goddess endowed with her own mysterious island. Baubo was dispatched to console Demeter, which she is said to have done with politically incorrect, ribald and raunchy humour. Of course, presented with this safety valve, Demeter could not help but laugh with this odd Goddess.

Baubo was described as variously being ‘all belly,’ or at the very least, ‘talking from her belly;’ hence the naturalist hippy lady’s ode to ‘Baubo the Belly Goddess.’ Some depictions showed Baubo as a mouth on feet, others intimate she was a wide hipped, broad bellied Goddess in the vein of the “Venuses” of Old Europe. (As a reminder, for those unfamiliar and/or who have not read my previous entry on Venus Culture: the “Venuses” earn their quotation mark due to their extreme anachronisticity. They are literally prehistoric, thus the term Venus was applied to them in passing to give a sense of their existence. It is presumed the Venuses represented fertility and abundance Goddesses due to their obvious tendency to obesity. The curiosity of the anatomically correct depictions of obese women in prehistory have intrigued scholars, perverts and idiots alike.) I digress.

Baubo, presumably, was a Titaness. I make this presumption based on some reasoned observations. Baubo was not included in the Olympian registry. The Titans were regarded as divine, though of lesser stature than Olympians. This is ironic given the lot of trouble given to the future Olympians by the Titans who sided with Khronos in the second War of Heaven. Furthermore they are sometimes referred to as the Old Gods. Often the Titans were described in an unflattering light to make the Olympians seem more attractive. This is certainly true with Baubo. However, we glean several objects of investigation from Baubo. She was a Goddess given to laughter. She spoke from her belly. Hence the idea of ‘belly laugh.’ It is not hard to conceive that Baubo was probably a fat Goddess. In some ways this may be somehow related to the cultural tendency of people correlating fat with mirth. IE, the jolly fat archetype. Taken in context and analysed in keeping with the existence of another (potentially misunderstood) lesser known Greek Goddess by the name Adephagia (lover of eating) than we have the beginning of a thought.

These lesser Goddesses might be bridges, along with the Satyrs and the Nymphs and other such sprites, wights, elves and faeries of our collective European mythos, to the Paleolithic Old, Old Ways. Where so little of the Paleolithic way is properly known, it becomes a game of free association and logical enterprise. Please, queue the infamous ‘sound and fury’ quote please. However, it is an important enterprise to manage in understanding the full scope and history of the European question. As with all things, the a priori has an a posteriori which hearkens back to the problem of infinite regression. There is no hard point for “in the beginning” unless one assumes a mythological approach and freely engages the ‘meta-historical.’ Otherwise we are trapped in a perpetual infinity searching for a beginning that has no first cause while moving ever forward in a timeline that probably doesn’t exist in the linear fashion we attribute it.

Metaphysics are the bee’s knees, mugfugga.

I digress. I would like to take a moment to describe the Titans and Jotnar and Vanir in such a way as I think befits my burgeoning belief that they represent the Paleolithic phase of European religion. One, at least among the Germans, the figures of the Vanir are famously feminine, overrepresentatively so. Let us speak of the North, first, as this is where my passion lies.

Freyja of the Vanir, arguably the most well-known Van, is obviously a woman. Much ado is made of her femininity. Some argue that Freyja and Frigg (Odin’s wife, an As) are synonymous but that due to Christian carelessness in transcription the two Goddesses were split and personified because a Goddess of lust and a Goddess of love could not be reconciled. However, if one permits the suspension of belief required to assume Freyja and Frigga are one in the Scandinavian system as they were in the lower Germanic systems (High German and Old English did not discriminate) then, then we have a much different picture as regards the character of Odin. This perhaps warrants another essay in full, but in brief; if Odin (King of the Aesir) is wed to Frigga (Freyja) than it means a further element to the truce between Vanir and Aesir is realised. Odin marries a prominent Van who becomes by proxy Queen of Asgard. After all, Frigga shares all of Odin’s privileges and attributes, but Freyja shares all of Odin’s duties and responsibilities. Is this coincidence? I think not. A further element is in keeping with Odin’s function. Odin is the Nordic archetype of the solitary wisdom seeker, as well as the grim ruler. Combined, these two functions are satisfied by understanding Freyja-Frigga as a monad. Odin seeks the wisdom of the Old Europeans by marrying into the Vans, and in turn bringing their peace into his New European kingdom.

That marriage might then well represent the merging of disparate generations of European development into a cultural distillate. If the Vanir represent Paleolithic Europeans, and the Aesir represent Neolithic Europeans than this dichotomy makes more sense. Most credible anthropological sources indicate among compatible haplogroups there being an initial conflagration followed by eventual reconciliation and synthesis. Proposed records of this stretch to hypothetical prehistory, and continue into verifiable ancient and even modern history. Example: Vikings; the Norse Raiders often integrated into and reshaped the civilisations they previously raided. The Irish were famously receptive to Vikings, freely intermarrying with their Nordic conquerors. Similarly, the Anglo-Saxons (who were ostensibly Vikings of a different ethnicity) settle England in like manner, conquering and then absorbing the local Celtic populations to become the future British state which still genetically resembles that successful fusion of cultures. Later, when the Normans invaded England (which by then was a melting pot of Scandinavian, Germanic and Celtic,) they added an element of this by initially subjugating local populations. Though the English were not so successfully blended, ironically, the Norman aristocracy adopted so many local Celtic customs that later English banned them upon regaining autonomy from the Normans. Normans, as you shall recall, were Nordic (Viking like) warriors who conquered and settled Romano-Gaulic areas and resettled them before being integrated and syncretised.

It is presumptive that the Greek Titans had a similar role. In the Greek cosmogenesis, Titans came first. In this they are similar to the schizophrenically depicted Jotnar. (Jotnar in Norse myth appear variously as beautiful Goddesses, disturbing lady monsters, and disgusting man-brutes.) The attitude of the Aesir to the Jotnar (sympathy to the women and disgust to the men) might indicate that the Aesir conquered Utgard and Jotunheim in some foggy prehistory. After all, it frequently follows that in absence of the women of their own kind, conquerors would develop a taste for the fruits of the conquered’s loins. Incidentally, the French name Genevieve stems from old German name Ceno-wifa, which meant ‘wife of kin.’ Why would there exist such a name? It indicates a value placed upon the ability to marry inside one’s Race. (Kin meant race and is analogous to the Latin Gen.) The Titans are frequently discussed in sympathetic terms, Prometheus and Epimetheus for example were Titans regarded well enough by Zeus to give them cocreative powers. Zeus occasionally ‘conquered’ Titanesses.

Returning to the Vanir, the mythology clearly records a dim prehistoric war between the Aesir and Vanir over the presence of a woman by the name of Gullveig. The nature of this war and the nature of Gullveig are disputed; some claiming that Gullveig (also called Heidi) goes on to become Freyja. This of course is possible. And if so, than the thought of Gullveig’s presence being offensive to the Aesir leading to her execution nicely explains the hostilities of the otherwise peaceful Vanir. This in conjunction with Odin’s marriage to Frigga-Freyja is an acceptable understanding, I think.

I would like to make honourable mention of the Celtic folk, now. As we know, the main surviving mythology of the Irish is ‘The Taín.’ There is also the Book of Invasions. Basically, there were five invasions into Ireland. It is difficult to disentangle Christian and Pagan myth in Ireland due to the competence of the syncretism that occurred. But like the other European Myth sets, there is the idea that successive races of divinity settled the extant Creation before the creation and introduction of man in his present form of evolution. In Ireland the previous inhabitants were the Tuatha de Danaan, whose names I have seen etymologically linked to both Tyr and Denmark, as well as more generally the Danube. On the surface it seems untenable. After all, the Celtic and Germanic peoples are separate tribes, yeah? Celtic culture as we understand it emanated from Hallstatt Austria and was once synonymous with what becomes later Germanic culture. Also, there was a flux of Celtic finds in lower Denmark. In the time of Rome, the Celtic and Germanic tribes may well have intermarried. There is also evidence to suggested heavy interrelation. There is in Celtic myth, for example, a God called Teutates which is obviously related to ‘Teutonic.’ It might have been Tyranis, but there was a Romano-Gaulic God cognate to Tyr. I digress, however, this article is meant to make a different case than European prehistorical, pre-genetic-drift unity.

Following my digression, the intended point is to illustrate the thread that connects the Celtic, Nordic and Hellenic strains into a tight triad, if not monad. Consider, the Tuatha de Danaan, the closest Celts come to traditional European Gods, are preceded by the Fir Bolg, fearsome giants with whom relations were sometimes had. The Fir Bolg appear to act similarly to the Vans in scope, with the Fomorians acting like the Celtic equivalents of Jotnar. It may yet remain that the Fomorians might have originally belonged to the Welsh, who by all accounts are unique and existed on the fringes of Celtic society. In the same way, the ‘giants’ of other myths might simply be the Gods of other ethnic enclaves prior to synergy.

Now. How goes it that I attribute these God forms to the Paleolithic European Cults? There are iconographical reasons to do so, methinks. If one draws up a chart of the various European Venuses, there are a number of common threads which have timestamps that shouldn’t be ignored.

First, and obviously, the Venuses are often quite fat. They are often depicted with pendulous, full and heavy breasts, round, overflowing bellies and thunder thighs that Roscoe Jones would say “look like justice.” Fat. Plump. Well fed. The Vanir were, I needn’t remind you, primarily agricultural deities. Food would have been very important to them. As mentioned previously in “Who’s Your Venus,” the Paleolithic European cults were considered sedentary. Thus a well fed woman might not be outlandish for that hermeneutic.

Secondly, the ancient European Venuses were arguably intertwined with either/or beast and serpent cults. An example is the Venus of Çatalhöyük, located in modern Turkey but eerily reminiscent of the Venusian culture extant in ancient Malta, as in the hypogea. What is depicted is a massively fat woman with an elaborate hairstyle or headdress, with some form of shoulder ornamentation (a robe? Pauldrons? Difficult to say.) She has her bulk seated upon a platform or throne, and is flanked by two beasts. They look to be cats, but could be some kind of dog we don’t know much about. There is something between her feet, perhaps an offering bowl. This is potentially noteworthy, because one of the things that initially drew suspicion to the witch Heidi-Gullveig was that she was known for taming wolves and practising magick. Later Freyja was noted for having a chariot drawn by cats, as cats were her familiar as Odin’s familiars were wolves. The intimacy of Vans with animals evoked suspicions. If we may contrast cultures, it is believed that the invading Neolithic Europeans were the Horse Lords who had tamed horses. This might explain the fondness of later Europeans with horses and their de jure eminence in Nordic myth and Celtic culture. It is often believed that the Celts and Nords were once similar in scope to the Scythians who were famed horsemen.

In European history, the prevalence of ritual was enjoyed primarily as an agricultural aid. Obviously, cultural worship extended this, but the first and last of Pagan ritual seems to be agricultural. Often, the children of Gaia in Greek mythology are categorised by a synergy with snakes. Imagine if you will the New European worshipers of the Sky Gods entered lands inhabited by the Old Europeans with their Earth Goddesses and snake cults? What might the cultural confusion manifest itself as in story telling? Conquerors often feel the need to justify their actions to the conquered and sympathetic. Perhaps this explains how the Giant Races are simultaneously ugly and lusted after, foolish and wise, brutish and justified? It is probable that ancient propaganda explains the daemonisation of the Old European ways. Old Europeans became archetypical witches, a fact that Wiccans and motley New Age degenerates will remind you of until my ears bleed. Blood. Which is red, as red as everyone else’s blood. Because oneracehumanrace. Whatever.

We know that Greece heavily inspired Rome. However, the Greeks are given altogether too much credit for direct involvement in Roman history. The Greeks were late to the game, too late I think to garner as much credit. The bones of Roman civilisation were present for aeons before Greek slaves enslaved the Roman magisterial mind. For instance, you can see in Roman religion a tendency of layering, too. In Roman mythology this is taken for granted because of Interpretatio Romana which acts as a Conscientisation of this long historical march by making it active rather than passive. The Romans saw commonality in the predominately European and European adjacent peoples they conquered or were conquered by.

The Etruscans were assumed to have heavily influenced the early Romans, and the Etruscans were given to be reasonably Hellenic in scope having a similar language and pantheon to Greece. There is the Phoenician question also, but I have no desire to go Punic because Carthago must be delende ested. Hail Cato! Anyway. In Rome’s catalogue of Gods and Goddesses there is such a one called Bona Dea, literally Good Goddess. She is depicted as taming a serpent in a bowl and routinely occurred in Roman iconography thusly. Was that because Rome worshipped snakes? No! But the Celtic peoples certainly did, for a time. The serpentine artwork of the Celtic races, which achieved perfection in Ireland, is said to be a cultural import from the Greeks. If the Greeks employed serpentine iconography it would seem that by the time of the Olympians that the snake fell out of favour. Perhaps the Old Celts and Old Greeks met? Much of Gaulish mythologic Druidry is supposed to be a Pythagorean blend of native Celtic myth with borrowed Greek legend. This fits my retuned hypothesis of dialectical materialism.

We know in later Celtic Paganism that serpents represented life cycles, resurrection and the like. We know serpents were lodged in the general European psyche in mythos as a great known unknown. Jormungand of Norse fame existed as their Ouroborous, holding the world together. Those elements are variously there. But as to the Celts, while the serpent cult in Ireland might have been driven out, it might be noted that the Irish never lost their streak for the earthy. They were always possessed of a grounded, unapologetic approach to spirituality. Their women were always carnal, and I say this not as an insult but as a simple observation. Simply put, the Irish always had a higher tolerance for being scandalised than the more prudish races. Irish history, song and poetry attest thoroughly to a folk given over to simple pleasure, embrace of sensuality and generosity of spirit. And in keeping with the agrarian versus martial theme, I would argue that while the Celts had an obvious martial streak, they remained largely agricultural. Incidentally, I read somewhere that of the modern ethnic groups in Europe, Ireland has the highest caloric consumption per capita to anywhere else. Whether this is still true I cannot say. When I try to imagine what the Old Europeans might look like, I imagine the Irish. It is confirmation bias, tainted goods, but bollocks to stodgy modern science. Anyone who has married into Irish should have no trouble comprehending why logic and plain gut instinct don’t need to be separated.

So now we have discussed the earlier Venuses. Some of the later Venuses depict a goddess figure holding a horn. The most famous of these to my knowledge is the Venus Lausel, of France. She is depicted as a porcine woman with indistinct facial features but the appearance of having long and back-combed hair. In her right hand she holds a horn, which she appears to be in the process of drinking from, while her left hand rests on the lower fold of her fat belly. There are other similar images with comparable posture, suggesting a contingent motif.

The ‘horn of plenty’ prefigures eminently in surviving European lore. The phrase cornucopia, obviously, is a Greek import. But the concept appears to be archetypical at least. In some accounts Zeus while a child on his hideaway island, drank from a goat’s horn that never emptied. This horn went on to supply the Gods with nectar. In the other version Zeus takes milk directly from Amalthea, the goat. I believe the two are related. Later, there is a Goddess of plenty who wields the Horn and from it offers… plenty. Likewise, in Norse Mythology goats are used by several deities. Thor has two goats – Tooth Gnasher and Tooth Grinder. It is said that they can be slain and eaten, but miraculously leap back up to be eaten again should Thor bless them with his hammer. In Celtic mythology the God Dagda can kill and revive things and folk with his club. Saxo Grammaticus the self-hating Danish anti-pagan described Thor as being equivalent to Hercules and bearing a club. In proper Norse Myth, there lives in Asgard a goat whose utters never fail to offer milk. In Germanic archaeology, there is a protuberance of ritual horns which inspire modern Asatru’s use of the horn as a communal offering. It is entirely possible that late Paleolithic and early Neolithic cultures agreed at least upon the prominence and importance of the symbolism of the horn.

But! You might object… Greek and Roman cultures worshipped fitness. And this is true. The standard of beauty in Greece and Rome certainly reflected the warrior ethic over the fertility cult aspect. However, there was a tendency even among Romans to depict Roman Goddesses related to fertility as considerably bulkier than their concomitant Goddesses of other things. In Norse mythology there are more than a few Goddesses who betray a fertility cult comparable to those of the Paleolithic cultures. There is a Goddess of the Norse by the name of Fulla. It requires no further embellishment what that name means. In English, the Jotnar were called Etin, which means ‘eater.’ There is also, speaking of England, the question of post-Heathen and Early Christian fertility rites. There is an attested to English rite where the Earth Mother grows herself a big belly on God’s blessing before issuing bounty to the English peasantry. Earlier rituals hearken to that which Tacitus described of Nerthus, being ferried on a processional chariot. These all indicate opulence.

All of this, at least to my mind, suggests a correlation with the more obviously named figures in the Greek myths of Baubo (belly) and Adephagia (lover of food.) Furthermore, if one analyses beauty standards as subjective as opposed to objective, there is a fascinating takeaway. Consider several modern archetypes. In this way, they are like stereotypes; neither of which emerged in a vacuum. Among agricultural circles there is the famous image of the wiry, plucky farmer and the fat housewife. I can attest that at least in Maine, as of my formative years, the wiry farmer and well-fed farmer’s housewife stereotype still persisted. Athleticism to the Downeasterner is relative and often related to vocation. It’s not hard to imagine that in an ancient society where the primary concern was the production of food and the celebration of nature, and not the institution of order, elevation of war and worship of the heroic, that the well fed woman would be the measure of attractiveness. Similarly, the male models that emerge from the same time period of the Venuses depict thin men with inordinately, even threateningly large phalluses. Note, one of the most famous artistic images of Frey (Nordic God, of the Vanir) depicts a man dwarfed by his own member. Contrast to a society based on travel and conquest, a lithe and mobile body would be preferred. And since the theory persists that the conquering Aryan subdued the Old European and synergised, it follows that beauty standards would also be imposed. But does imposition mean implementation? Not necessarily.

Fast forward umpteen years, and what do you have? An at time awkward blend of what I believe are unconscious impulses. Who was it that said ‘the unexamined life is not worth living?’ And who said ‘leben unwerte leben?’ It seems reasonable to me to believe that the genetic strains of the Old European funnelled into the New European as they were blending to form the generic European. It might be understood that the wavering sexual attentions of the man of the year are inspired by genetic interplay with environment. After all, the degree to which sexual proclivities occur, methinks, cannot be explained entirely by environment. While I am not wholly convinced by the ‘born that way’ thesis, I do wonder if the presence of paraphilic tendencies in heterosexual populations can be explained by the dormant genetic memory of previously integrated populations. By the by, paraphilia, if my knowledge serves me, is the sexualisation of particular attributes or activities. For instance, one might be exclusively attracted to fat women, as I am, and find thin women to be a hopelessly uninspiring nothing-burger. To the equal-opposite, many men find fat women equally uninspiring, if they are not at first compelled to daemonise them. Other men only find blondes, for instance, attractive, wherein hair colour makes all the difference. Die a brunette blonde and she becomes magical. I can sympathise, as I personally find brunettes and blacks unpleasant to the eye, finding visual comfort only in golden and red hair. Others have paraphilias that see to it that they find alien races attractive. Hell. Half the Alt Right has this problem with Yellow Fever. Incidentally, the ones that suffer from Anime driven paraphilias are not infrequently of Slavic extraction. If I had resources I would do a study polling what subraces are most attracted to Asian culture. Then you have the feet people. I still can’t explain the feet people, and there are a variety of other intellectually fascinating but at times viscerally disturbing paraphilic venues I will not discuss. Also, paraphilias are commonly described as fetishes. This is fitting because the word ‘fetish’ was originally applied to a ritual item, often handheld, used to invoke occult powers. The Venus Goddesses were frequently depicted as fetishes, that is, hand-sized statues. The term fetish in the ritual sense comes from Latin, originally factitius, which referred to something ‘made by art.’ (Art here being analogous to skill.) This same root word gives us ‘factory.’ Hence, I avoid the use of fetish in the sexual sense.

If nothing else, it might make the men who like their girls plump (quite a few I know do) feel less awful about this. You might have the blood of the Old Europeans as opposed to only New European in your generic European veins! Why not? If Varg Vikernes gets to decide who is and is not a Neanderthal because reasons, than why can’t I do it with the Lithic Eras? Well, obviously, the reason is BECAUSE SCIENCE. (Which is a self-correcting organism frequently tainted by uncorrected confirmation biases and social stigmas just like religion and architecture.)

All in all, as I wrap up this next level spergery, it dawns on me that the old adage seems to be ever truer. Men are Mars, women are from Venus.

You may now eat your Fedoras and weep, internet. GODSPEED.

P.S.: if you enjoyed reading, drop me a line. Questions, comments and suggestions are appreciated. The reason I run this blog is to attempt to stimulate thought, and I can’t know what you’re thinking unless you… you know, drop me that line. My comment section thanks you. And, if you made it this far, I thank you for reading and wish you well. Unless you belong to the representational government. *Unless* you are a self-hating government stooge, in which case I forgive you and ask that you consider repenting and making life easier on the middle class by helping the gubmint STOP FINANCIALLY RAPING ME. Please.

19 thoughts on “Women Are From Venus

  1. A lady is prim, proper, and “civilized,” Whilst a woman is fierce, primal, elusive, emotional, and sarcastic. A lady = modest Christian. A woman = Heathen Valkyrie. Of course theres also Womyn and gender fuckup trannies who may identify as the pronouns = They/Them/It

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yeah. I’m a Heathen, I tend more toward the natural woman. I will say, there was room for ladies in Paganism, but this weeping mother Mary crap is pathetic.

      Sadly, for Right Wing adjacent women it’s wicked hard. They smell the inauthentic nature of feminism, but end up running to Christianity seeking natural order and learn self-hatred.

      And then, the climate toward women is generally hostile. What with those MGTOW faygolahs and irritable incels… The general consensus is women should shut up and get a man to think for her.

      That’s assuming they make it here. If not, a woman with Trad instinct gets cannibalized by tolerant leftist women with frumpy haircuts and told she’s been brainwashed and should shut up and get a career. The she can tell men to shut up and listen.

      Gods forbid she want a man and children in equal parts. I do believe that the Nordic Pagan model is best. Men held political power, but women held domestic power. In rare cases befitting skill and need men and women could expand roles, but the worked with nature.

      Just look at Odin and Frigga. Odin consults his wife, but is still the household’s head. They work together.

      The artificial war of the sexes is the worst sin we’ve swallowed.

      Liked by 6 people

    2. Hey. I found that poem. You’d linked to it in one of your posts, but it’s gone now, or I just cant find it. Maybe WP tanked it. Don’t know why. Thought it was a lovely ode to the Devine Feminine, one stripped of false propriety and modernism. Linking here since the content matter lines upwell.


      Hopefully you had a good New Year’s. Here’s to 2023 being the Year of Nerþus!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. The nuclear family so called “traditional” idea/lifestyle is a farce, a byproduct of the industrial revolution and the displacement of an agrarian lifestyle as folks were herded into cities severed from their extended family members. The extended family includes grandparents, parents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and maybe even local hometown neighbors.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Interesting perspective, you say women are carnal, whilst I wouldn’t use the term I would refer to women being more primal then men this due to the inherent empathic emotional quality of women, their strength and their weakness invariably. I have referred to women as the stewards the of the wild divine whereas men are the sentinels of artifice and order, with such structure comes defense or any outward assertion which requires men. Ideally we would a balance and it is very self-evident when an imbalance is present.

    Said imbalance can be witnessed within individuals regardless of political spectrum as you’ve even pointed out “incels”, “mgtow” not just the usual “feminists” either.

    This not unlike the dichotomy that which I’ve have pointed out a great many times on my own blog, this “men going their own way” noise will lean to total annihilation of the natural world in all her beauty. Man in turn becomes destruction incarnate with this type of imbalance, a literal blight upon all that is natural & whole.

    The fate of this society is to turn the world into a desert until nothing remains but ruined earth which cannot support life, literally, spiritually or otherwise both.

    Likewise women attempting to cast down their natural qualities will destroy men which lead into downwards regression where man become a weak shell of his former self. Women in turns adopts the synthetic masculinity which she naturally cannot be this type societal imbalance grows increasingly hermaphroditic and eventually sterile be it literally, spiritually or otherwise.

    The fate of such a society is to be enslaved or wiped out by environmental pressure(s) as nature as shown with species that cannot adapt to adverse foreign threats.

    It doesn’t need to be said that men & women are best when they counter-balance each other’s natural inherent qualities, this natural order which is under threat via variable hostile appendages.

    Liked by 3 people

    1. When I take a long time to answer, it’s never a slight. But a compliment. Good thoughts need good answers.

      When I use the word carnal, I mean no offense, nor intend any stigma. In that I believe spirituality should not divide us from flesh. So, if I intone that women have a proclivity for comfort, pleasure and so forth there is no ill will.

      Anyway. Your commentary corresponds to thoughts I’m mulling over. Example: Galdr (men’s magick) versus Seidr (women’s magick) and how Seid relates to “seeth.” And has been related as a sexual energy. Admittedly I think of the Ancient Greeks, one of whom noted that women were the truly lusty ones. Romans indicated and appreciated a woman’s physical and spiritual side. Contrast to Germanic people’s whose women, I think, were most highly regarded. Germanic women seemed to, and in my experience with them, continue to possess a poise and sense of high dignity that other ethnic women do not. Not to say Celtic women are necessarily *un*dignified, but they are in my experience less restrained and careful than Germanic ones.

      I really like your emphasis on women as stewards of wild. I like that a lot.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Yes, women are very inclined to seek & indulge in physical comforts, I know this all too well, also I am happy to know you’re not the type to speak of spiritual ideals or to put emphasis on such whilst shunning the objective material world. What I dislike most about certain would be tribal types on the online dissident confluence is those who speak so highly of a spiritual/moral ideal yet shun couples who live in nice homes and make use of certain modern artifice or likewise don’t shun civilization so fervently like they do.

        “Oh you’re not using a cast iron stove like our forebears, you must be a degenerate!”

        Many of who express a strong desire to claim themselves a woman from the rural outskirts of Europe under the pretense that said women are more morally pure hence traditional unbeknownst to them women who grew up in said hinterlands 9/10 times don’t go with a man because he’s offering them the same tier of living which they grew within but the opposite, these women want a man to provide what they don’t have.

        Vice versa it is those men who did not know hard times who fetishize and fantasize about a specific “regressed” way of living disconnected to the reality and social implications that warrants upon those immediate.

        I digress, as you’ve stated the craft between the sexes is very distinct and in fact separate whilst there are exceptions to this rule within circumstance on the whole men and women don’t swap disciplines as it is inherent to the fundamental nature of men & women.

        As for Germanic women being more resolute against certain inclinations, I agree for the most part, nonetheless it is the XXI century not 98 AD therefore this proclivity against chaos has since waned.

        Also it should be noted than central Europe is to an extent Germano-Celtic in admixture, more prevalent in Southern German lands than in the North but nonetheless the case. I think the naturally inclined social standards for Celts and Germanic would be baseline if there is any increase in impulsivity it would be more so a modern phenomenon and less so a ethno/tribal one.

        Yes, I derived the Librarian/Sentinel reference back when I was still an Odalist, following TP. Back then he had decent insight into Norse/Germano Paganism before redaction of his own words and this current pursuit of championing certain reproductive tissue which is now an ever present nausea inducer.

        Liked by 1 person

    2. Another note, I think our proximity to you know who, has invited a false duality like those of this Gnostics. Not saying you have it, mind. But anyway, a tendency in spiritual arenas to focus on the ethereal but he skittish with the corporeal. No doubt because of the disgustingly bad press lobbied at any inclusion of carnal impulse as necessarily libertine and obscene, which I don’t think flesh by any means has to be.

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      1. Yes, well we have to remain very clear I have literally write disclaimers now, not only in order to not have my own writing thrown up into my face but also some people aren’t as intelligent as you’d think they were upon first impression and one has to wear “white gloves” to better put expressions or ideas into context. We have after all certain people like being cryptic for the sake of being cryptic only for them to claim later “That is not what is said!” or “Stop spreading lies” etc, etc.

        We’re all responsible for our own words and must take our ideas & expressions into account that not everyone can read between the lines nor do they immediately grasp the intent that is clear to use as writers, this isn’t even their fault necessarily hence I put a strong emphasis on context.

        People who are skittish of the corporeal or objective material world as I say, need to alter their perspectives from time to time lest they fall out of adjustment with reality and become maniacal, dogmatic appendages of whomever they adhere to most in their disconnected “online only” existence.

        Carnal impulses are no more black than the Ettins are in principle, such base desire is not to be expunged entirely but rather closely monitored & moderated in discipline this is what separates us from Puritans.

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