No Business Like Venus Business

New Category.

Yucks aside. Before my preamble of why you should care, I will be splitting the “Category” into ‘Odes’and ‘Essays.’ The implications of which are clear, thinking and feeling require a certain degree of separation.

So, without further ado; Links before breakfast:



It’s a niche interest, for sure, but I’ve been interested in the ancient Venuses for some time. Years and years. Like most guys… probably all guys barring the nerdiest of the nerdy – I fell into this rabbithole trying to answer the question of why I never did quite like the skinny minis like the cool cats do. I have fewer answers now than then, yesteryear’s answer being “ ‘cuz. “ Whatevever. The point is, beyond the superficial and aesthetic layer is a strictly potential world rich in symbolism, meaning, and inference. If for no other reason than the Gravettian Venuses predated the “Greek” (read borrowed from Mesopotamian) Venuses by a long minute. A long minute lasting upwards of years in their thousands.

There seems to have been a worldwide cult dedicated to these portliest of presumptive Mother Goddesses. While I appreciate the logic of the soothsaying modern scholars, I think the reservoir is deeper than logic. We can see in their statues, friezes and odd painting the kinds of symbolism which appear to predate and inform Paganism, Pre-Christianity, and thus is embedded in all religion with echoes in at least Christianity & Islam, maybe Judaism, and yes, even Hinduism has her Jayestha (or something akin – the unflatteringly named Goddess of laziness.) Thus I maintain, it pays to look into these things, speculatively, in one’s personal pantheon, as it may increase that Pantheon’s richness.

My understanding, right or wrong, that the echoes of Asatru spread into the prehistory of man and become literally timeless – is one which brings strength to my beliefs. Elements predate the supposed beginnings, even if fragmentary. The Goddess of Laussel and her horn becomes an archetype of the Hagia Sophia, herself a universal which lives in every mythology I can name and is sought by the God of Wisdom in archaic sovereignty rites disguised as recently as into Grail Mythology in Britain, and probably later. Beyond these well-fed and watered Goddesses were enigmatic horned figures which probably inform Herne, Cernunnos, Pan and so many others who exist seemingly independent of one another in the Indo-Aryan pantheons. There is the motif of the Goddess with the Solar Halo, which pre-exists Christian martyrs and their stolen valour by an easy millennia. We assume. Barring carbon dating debates. And really, does anybody ever win with that?

And for today’s world, where all the lines are breaking down and conventional approaches to æsthetics & spirituality (which I by no means think is bad) we see an organic revival of these ancient Goddess Cults in their ways, amongst many predetermined paths like Wicca, American New Age and not much else but for pockets of awareness in surprising places. So, why not steer the bandwagon somewhere else?

So, to that end, rather than belabour the point further with my brief exhortation to look deeper, I have added a category that makes the access to my collated material relating back to this equally novel and ancient subject rather easier.

Below; fiddling with tiles of my modern cave art: fair warning for the triggeredhappy, the cavemen liked them big and bigger. (I ain’t sorry.)

References: you may get more out of the below by clicking the aforegoing link.

Willendorf & Laussel


More At My Workshoppe.

If you made it this far, feel free to be present and take up space in the comments. Or not. Whatever floats your boat or sinks your dinghy, the hunt is in the chase & the devil is in the details. I welcome insights, questions or commiserations, as well as heads ups, research trails and links to creative endeavours in this most obscure passion project.

10 thoughts on “No Business Like Venus Business

    1. I have not, but did look. Looks awesome, thanks. While I have you here. Nicola Salmon: thoughts? Wife is reading her because if one dickhead whitecoat tells her the secret is lose 15lbs one more time, you’ll see Paulie Positivity here on the 5 o’clock news.

      I usually comment on blogs I like but wasn’t sure yours was still active. I respect your grit for getting out in their faces. I imagine it takes stones. Also, I’m glad to see the Big Venuses getting, well, big again. It’s high time.

      Anyway. Hopefully you’re enjoying a good lunchbreak wherever you are.


    2. My responce in retrospect is acontextual and salty AF. Hopefully it didn’t come off as rude, I didn’t proofread first.

      Reference: Nicola Salmon is a fertility coach specialising in big girls, because, frankly, the market is frustratingly untapped put delicately brief and left unsalted.

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  1. Having a sense of divinity/the divine within oneself is far better than being a mere consumer/fad/passing trend. Finance/Mammon turns everything into a commodity with a price tag to be bought/sold.

    It would be preferred that the reverence for earthy/girthy large bodied frauen would be as much bound to mother earth/jorth/nerthuz as a spit in the face of ZOG/Cultural Marxist Hollywood AKA reverence for the ancestors and reverence for the folk/tribe/frith.

    Far too many folks especially nowadays see the superficial an lack and understanding or interest in the divine though as folks get older their interest increases.

    Desensitization erodes folks innate safeguards making it easier for invasives to worm in

    There is a sense of decency and decorum to fitness/thinness which acts as a safeguard against degeneracy/subversion AKA being sensitive/able to blush/be embarrassed is an expression of moral safeguarding. Lacking shame/being completely desensitized would mean forfeiting the intellectual and going all in on the toleration/promotion of genetic poisoning/miscegenation, Hollywood pop music subversion, Babylonian trash, the infantile adult, and various other psyops. The inability to blush goes alongside the inability to feel revulsion/disgust toward miscegenation.

    There may be fat frauen who may blush though larger folks in general may care less about decorum/decency as they let their bodies go.

    In a society that reveres large bodied women and if there was a severe famine with an outcome where the women became thin or “fit” it could mean either being on the knifes edge of death /the prelude to an all out war against any enemy tribes or wild animals for resources.

    Think beauty for the size/girth of frauen could be in stages. The younger someone is the thinner or fitter is the person they like [deemed cute or pretty] and then as they get older in life they like more buxom curvy thikkk women [deemed hot/desirable/mature], and then much later after that they may come to like chunky obese whales. The Goldilocks zone may be best though that like all things is at a set time/place in the life cycle and as the boats and dinghies go so does different strokes for different folks. Also Goldilocks AKA sunlit hair/blond hair is angelic beauty divine.

    I think I read awhile ago about European leaders who are either childless or have only one child at most. I think in an ideal world a leader of a country should set a good example to the folk/citizens by having a large family and safeguarding the folks territorial, cultural, religious/spiritual, and racial integrity.

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    1. Sadly there is a long trend of otherwise good Euro leaders failing to set big breeding energy patterns. The British Royal Family seems to be an exception, but one questions how adjusted are their kids.

      There does seem to be an untapped vein of spirituality. The Palæolithikkk Venuses stand as spiritual metaphors for people in increasing numbers. A kind of understanding that the Goddess’ girth tied into her wisdom and abundance. A Sophianic notion. I find that notion appealing. There is also a burgeoning sense that the Venuses symbolise ancestry, even if on the nose it’s a vague sense.

      In this I don’t think there’s much for women to blush about, fat or thin. I don’t think I agree that society impels thin women to be any more chaste or modest. The opposite is frequently true, from what I see. So the big girls, I think, may as well unbuckle their belts as it were, and relax. You had, elsewhere, made a great point about Baubo being a healthy archetype of banjaxing shame, embracing appetites and laughing at certain suffocating social dogmas. Joyous defiance.

      As to women of any size being mammonised, I think it has more to do with sociocultural expectations. At the risk of sounding crass and reductionist: women sell themselves for money and attention. Women crave security (measured in comfort) and emotional reinforcement (mistaken for attention.) We have forced women into a hostile working environment which has been ruining men for ages. Most women aren’t happy there. Why would they be? But if they can sell their bodies as goods with minimal effort, they have successfully done capitalism, and they have immediate social capital.

      If the cultural expectations changed, mammon would be out of work.

      But, yeah. Different strokes for different folks, what floats your boat might sink Fink’s dinghy, sometimes your boat is a tug, barge or titanic and sometimes you sail a skip or a windjammer. I do agree though, I may not be a gentleman but I do prefer blonded – even if the whole spectrum is beautiful.

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    2. Out of curiosity, I read your repost of KC Sunshine’s article. { & }
      Which probably took stones to write and/or repost, and frowns on equivocating women with whales and implying their size is majestic. How do you, personally, tie that to Earth worship? The author seems to be in C.I. and antithetical to certain denominators, like a woman’s ‘gluttonising’ giving her the kind of body he likes, which I find ironic, but am not as a pagan given to stigmatising. Or fair, for that matter. Or the implied weaponised Goddess mentality of the ‘feminism’ he criticises, which I again think could be an important cultural staple in the right circumstances. That’s not to say I think no valid points were raised. Just curious.

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      1. The Midgard is a Reflection of Society post I did awhile ago ties into Earth worship. Keeping the veins of the Earth AKA rivers, lakes, streams, seas, oceans, etc. clean/pure is akin to keeping the bloodline racially clean/pure. Nobility is something to be exalted rather than the whole democracy herd mentality popularity contest Hollywoodification. A mother Earth Goddess is set apart. There has to be a sense of the spiritual, noble, virtuous, divine,, frith, etc. otherwise all any of it is becomes just another fad/trend to be later discarded/abused.

        A heavy weight/girth should be a sign/representation of having birthed a multitude of kin for the tribe/frith. It would be seen as a sign of strength/power and a continuity/longevity to the racial/tribal bloodline and memories/ancestry.

        Beauty standards themselves may tear folks apart both for women and men though that would change if/when companionship/marriage occurs. Ideally weight and height should mean little to nothing, what should matter [under the umbrella of the frith] is personality, intelligence, similarities, and general compatibility though that mindset has led to or is related to cultural relativism, hence beauty standards. The weaponized feminism is fake feminism the media/education system has tried to say liberal cultural marxist butch feminism is true feminism, their wrong of course though many/too many have come to believe it by both women and men. The entitlement mentality goes alongside the modern technologically advanced industrialized world of consumerism, escapism, commodification, universalism, globalism, comfortable serfdom AKA individual irresponsibility so government takes up the slack, convenience, accessibility, etc. The fat liberal cultural marxist feminist goes on the victimhood bandwagon and cries for inclusion even if a guy would to like that type of person it would be a volatile relationship with nagging/screaming/victimhood, blaming the patriarchy/Whitey/institutional whatever, etc. A Conservative/traditional women no matter the size/weight or height is far superior to the stereotype projected onto women by liberal feminist stooges/3rd wave feminists adjacent to MGTOW.

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      2. Colour me intrigued. You said fake feminism. Does this imply you feel there is an authentic feminism to be tapped? I do, despite the propaganda. Though in my mind it is a stage to tribalism.

        Big agree about an earthy goddess being set aside. I don’t know how much time you spend outside movement circles, but there is a burgeoning women’s spirit emerging concentral to the Big Venuses. Instincts that are hard, but not impossible for big ZOG to pervert.

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