Poem: Grendel 20/20-2

Join the "I h8 the Matrix " fanclub and help Grendel clear his name! Or not. Whatever floats your boat or sinks your dinghy. I have to attend my benchpresses anyway. Happy Wednesday.

The Grönbech Files: About Honour

It seems our Ancestors' may have seen Honour as a thing which existed apart from the self and had a life of it's own. Lives had prices, thus, so did and does honour. This essay inspired by Grönbech's work on the Teutons deals in ancient honour, modern honour and drawing that old Rainbow Bridge between them. Honour should be seen as an entity, not an abstract: part of the soul.

Violence Fetish

Have you ever given any thought to why violence is so fascinating today? Give it some thought with me.


Call it childish, call it superstitious, but it's missing from society today. The effects on the European and American communities are hardly measured. But what is magic? Can it be quantified? And for the majority of us who do not believe, what does it matter?