The Golden Age & The Grotesque

About repression, celebration and expostulation of the Cthonic, and why I think the exclusivism of the Celestial has unbalanced the soul - because centrism is a naturally gravitic medium in our people which suffers when it is not allowed to hold. How the Grotesque might have been a movement of Folksoul to bring us back to centre.

My goal is to make you pause the next time you call something grotesque. I'll probably fail, but I've been chewing on this thought for a few years.

Tastes like cud.
... And peanut butter.

About the Peopling of Albion…

A bit of a thought train regarding the tale of the peopling of Albion. Spergery herein shall be reckoned afoot.

The Battle for Sentience

Cosmological, theological and philosophical musings on the role of intelligence in myth making, lore and life.

American Rabbithole

A rabbithole about balancing American Identit-y/ies. Unless you enjoy thinking your way into net neutrality, this might not be the post for you.
Other topics glanced over: Grønbech's internet treatment, anthropology, roots of American popular mythology, Conversion Times and ethnogenesis. All spergery. No breaks.
O LORD spare us the sperge of the Yankee.

Apologia Pro Runica

Why should you know about Runes? If you're an American there are more good reasons than not, when you think about it.

This talks about how Runes transcend the Heathen that birthed them, the parts of Christianity they helped shape and the world we live in as told by the language we speak.

Financial Peace

Some of my experiences in attending Financial Peace University, and the attitude adjustments that have gone along with it.

Archetypes in Action: Wolf

This entry details the Wolf in Roman Paganism and Teutonic Heathenry. It details what the Wolf was to our Peoples' esoterically and why the distance between their views isn't as retrospectively great as we've been led to believe.