Once more unto the Sophist breach…

Some more thoughts on Gnosticism. Take it or leave it, inspired by a podcast I heard on the Fyrgen. Why I think the Europaganisms tell the same story with different lingo that can be analysed using Gnostic themes.

Snake Dance

Brain Dump. Spinal Serpent bad lifting advice with Runic digression edition. Plus kids books! Wow!

Sturm ohne Drang

It came to me in a benchpress. Ragnarök now, plz. Because we all want to start off fresh. (The following is not meant to be an accurate representation of Ragnarök, Kali Yuga or the Apocalypse as imposed by any particular Saga, Edda, Veda or Bible, but just a spur of the moment attempt at capturing a recurring dreamspace.

Help me beat the Weekendammerüng and donate to my Hatreon.


I don't have a Patreon... ... ... Click "audio" for audio, I'm not an expert podcaster so ignore the sound pollution if you hear roosters or well water.

Poem: Life Between Springs

A poem about my favourite season. Insert allegory ________________ here.

No, it’s not enough (and that’s okay.)

Happy Hump Day. Humps so hard it broke the camel's back without a straw. Thirsty? Come on in for a better metaphor.


This is a retelling of Ragnarök. One of countless. The account is bereft of exegesis, presented without comment, for your enjoyment.